Sunday, October 24, 2010

7 Weeks Until Christmas - Personal Stuff You May Not Care About

Hi everyone!  I've been away a bit - work got busier and my online microeconomics course started taking up a lot of my time.  But I'm BACK!  Maybe not better than ever, but back.  I've got seven weeks until I fly home for about half a month for the holidays.  I keep telling all my friends here that it's going to be two weeks of eating, drinking, dancing, and general happiness.  My boyfriend, Alex, and I will head down to my mom's house in North Carolina for Christmas after a few days of catching up with friends in D.C.  About a week after Christmas, we're heading to a tiny cabin out in the Appalachians.  I'll finally get to see UVA, which is where Alex and my good friend Dan both went to undergrad.  And Monticello!  And hiking!  I'm so excited! 

In other news, I'm more tan than I've ever been at the end of October, especially since I found out the pools don't charge you to lounge in their beach chairs.  You only have to pay if you actually jump in.  This means I spend many Saturday mornings in my bathing suit, reading by the pool, and ordering the cheapest sodas on the menu so no one looks at me disparagingly.

Work continues to get more interesting.  Look for a post soon about it!  If you want to know about the details of my job, please ask, but I generally assume that most people feel young folks talk too much about their jobs that no one actually cares that much about, so I'm trying to avoid that trap. 

Otherwise, life is pretty uneventful and predictable, which I'm thankful for.  The biggest excitement I've had recently was thinking my box of amazing stuff from Alex had arrived, only to find that it was actually a package of three chocolate bars from my predecessor to our office.  Bummer.  The chocolate, however, was fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to post away about work. I'd find it interesting. All is more of same here, but I'm looking forward to attending the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear next weekend. Is Christmas really upon us in only 7 weeks? Yikes!
