Monday, April 18, 2011

Shout-out of the Week: Angels Among Us

This week's Shout-out goes to my good friend Brad Snyder whose protracted journey to accompany Akaliza - a Rwandan orphan with a congenital heart defect - to the United States for surgery, was covered by the Chicago Tribune recently.  Brad is one of the most genuine and thoughtful people I've ever met and his ability to care about the plight of those less fortunate is amazing to watch.  Brad is the kind of person who gives and gives, even when he doesn't have much left over for himself, as you'll read in the article that covers December's harrowing journey.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this story. I'm sorry that Brad had such a hard time and that cold-hearted bureaucracy reared its ugly head, but am touched by his effort and glad to hear that Akaliza was able to get the treatment she needed.
