Friday, July 30, 2010

A welcoming note.

Hey you, thanks for reading my blog. It really means a lot to me, especially since it's easy to feel far away from everyone you know and love when you're smack in the middle of Africa.

Please feel free to:
- post as many comments as you want (please please!)
- disagree with anything I post, and say so
- request posts on anything you're curious about/interested in/want more information on

I hope to put up 1 - 2 short posts a week. Check back often!

I love you guys!


  1. Miss you already, dood.

    Will you post some photos, or is my mac just too damn slow to show them to me? Anyway, enjoy your time in Africa and take care of yourself.


  2. Great blog title! I look forward to reading about your adventures.

  3. Cam - I haven't put up any pictures yet, but I'm sure when I do, your Mac will do fine handling them. Your blackberry however....

    Amy - Gotta represent my roots! Thanks so much for reading.

  4. Hi ms tharrington your blogs cool
    You should make a comic about it :)!
