Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Reactions - Easy Feedback

I really appreciate it that you're reading my blog!  To be honest, blogs can be kind of boring and self-serving and sometimes just dumb.  I'm trying to make mine none of the above so that you'll keep caring enough to read it.  I've enabled these nifty little "reaction" buttons at the end of each post so you can react to the blog post without actually having to leave a comment.  You can choose any or all of "funny", "interesting", "cool", or "more like this".  The first three come standard from Blogger and I added the last one because I'm interested in finding out what kinds of posts people enjoy the most - pictures, political commentary, daily life, work-related, etc.  It's my understanding that you don't have to have a username to be able to react - so please do!


(PS - I also considered adding reaction buttons for "Boring", "Useless", and "Cringe-worthy", but that would just get cluttered.  Besides, I'm trying to be less of a sarcastic bastard these days.)


  1. Shamelessly stealing the "more like this" idea for my blog...but you are referenced. =)

  2. In terms of your final statement...sorry, too late!
