Monday, September 6, 2010

Kigali House Tour

Hi!  Thanks for coming by.  I've had lots of requests to see my house in Kigali, so here it is!  I'll also do a video of our house in the field in Burera, but we're only just moving into it, so we need to clean up a few corners before I put it out for the world to see.  And please leave a comment to let me know that you've been here!  Love you guys!


  1. Ali!
    1- i miss you
    2- you are so pretty
    3- your videos are so cute with your little captions
    4- i would like you to make me a drink at that bar during mid-year retreat.


  2. It's very cool to see where you live. Good luck getting that bar stocked!

  3. Awesome place to live! Would love to come, armed with plenty of liquor and work as your bartender :) Can't wait to see more virtual posts.
